Solve these problems and submit your answers down in the comments.
Problem 1. Find equivalent resistance Req for the network of resistances in Figure 30.

Problem 2. Find equivalent resistance Req for the network of resistances in Figure 31.

Problem 3. Find equivalent resistance Req to the Rab for the network of resistances in the Figure 32.

Problem 4. Find the equivalent conductivity Geq for the part of network in Figure 33.

Problem 5. Find the voltages v1 and v2 in Figure 34. Also find power dissipated on the 2 and 10Ohm resistors.

Problem 6. According to Figure 35, determine voltage v0 of resistor R1, power generated by the source and power dissipating on each resistor.

Problem 7. Find the equivalent resistance Rab, find current i.

Problem 8. Find the equivalent resistance Rab, ant the current i of the circuit.

Problem 9. Let us consider a circuit with 4 nodes – A, B, C, D. Let the current iAB go from node A to B. The iAB is 13mA, iDA is 30mA. Find iAC and iCD, if is 24mA.
Problem 10. Here on the circuit in Figure 38, find the power supplied by a 10A source.

Problem 11. On the circuit in Figure 39 find the power supplied by a 20A source.

Problem 12. On the circuit in Figure 40 find v1 when the 10A source supply is 10v1 power.

Problem 13. On the circuit in the Figure 41, when the power generated by 10A source is 10v1. Find the v1.

Problem 14. Using the nodal method find the power supplied by the 5A source of the circuit in Figure 42.

Problem 15. Using nodal analysis find the voltages v1 and v2 for the circuit in Figure 43.

Problem 16. Using the nodal method, find v1 and v2 voltages of the circuit in Figure 44.

Problem 17. Using nodal method, determine voltage v0 of the circuit in Figure 45.

Problem 18. Determine the voltages v1, v2 and v3 of the circuit in Figure 46.

Problem 19. Determine the current I0 using a mesh method for the circuit in Figure 47.

Problem 20. Find the loop currents for a circuit in Figure 48.